DVD publishing archive

At the end of 2005, the organization, wich was already active promoting and screening audiovisual work, took the steps to become independent DVD producer and to develops a micro DVD production.
These productions will be organized into 3 collections :
- Electrons libres
- VID (Very Important Documentary)
- Other DVD’s

Editorial guidelines
The aim is to defend artistic creations that support the expression and the diffusion of other glances on the world.
We wish to sensitize the public to social problems, in a spirit of openness, artistic discoveries and exchanges.
Our goal is to support the meeting between the public and works at the margin of the conventional circuits of diffusion.
Our DVD productions are, either home-made DVD-R copies (from 50 to 100 copies including limited and numbered series) or professionally manufactured (starting from 500 copies).
The organization is committed to the professionnal quality (artistic and technical) of it’s DVD productions :
- script and navigation legibility and coherence DVD conception and original graphic design
- multilingual DVD titles (menu, text and subtitle translation)
- supplementary audio, visual and textual information to enrich the experience
- interactive options are possible, depending the type of project use, if required, of DVD ROM

Diffusion - distribution
Distribution is self-managed.
Our productions are available for sale, in specialized and/or atypical stores, independant bookshops or video-stores.
By creating privileged contacts with them we are building a parallel network, with variable geometry that corresponds to our different projects.

avec le soutien de La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, la Commission communautaire française et le Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel

design : Pierre Lecrenier - développement : tacticasbl