Sunday 7
February 2010

  • film on demand sessions
  • screening
Cercle des Cinés - 45 rue des wallons - Liège
Cercle des Cinés - 45 rue des wallons - Liège
from 4 pm - entrance €1

Cercle Vidéo #1

First collaboration with le Cercle des Cinés around our project The Nomadic Video Library.
The events at Le cercle, will be complement with some artistic extras as performance, audiovisual installation, AV live...

Two times during the day to approach the different way of our catalogue: The Nomadic Video Library.

- from 4 to 8 pm The Nomadic Video Library , à la carte, is free to consult. The occasion to discover some part of the catalogue with its about 300 films .
You can watch films on TV set equiped, each one, with severals headphones.
Also, some members of 68 Septante could help us to drive you, or inform you... concernng films or authors.

- At 7 pm that is soupe time with some toast.

- Second part of the day start at 8.30 pmwith the screening of two films by Marie Devuyst:
Tant qu’il y aura del poussière, 6’ - ov wallon st fr
Tant que sifflera la mine danseront ses épis, 55’ - ov fr st en
After the screening session, we propose to talk with Marie Devuyst about her cinema.

les films diffusés :

avec le soutien de La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, la Commission communautaire française et le Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel

design : Pierre Lecrenier - développement : tacticasbl