Monday 28
October 2024

Centre culturel Bruegel

rue des renards 1F - Bruxelles

6:00 pm opening and soup - 7:00 pm screening - free price (€6/8/10 with soup and toast)

Les Petits Délices: Dia de Muertos

Third collaboration with the Centre culturel Bruegel.

As part of Dia de Muertos festival, an event powered by the Bruegel cultural center, MetX et TAS D’OS collectif, come and discover 11 short films, from our collection in dialogue with Death.
This theme, which could seem rather dark (death, mourning) is on the contrary a luminous moment where the theme is approached as a transition and not as an end. She explores and questions different relationships to death and mourning...

After the screening, discussion around their films with our guests Isabel Garcia Moya and...

With the support of la Commission communautaire française, le Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel of la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and of RACC.

the programme

avec le soutien de La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, la Commission communautaire française et le Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel

design : Pierre Lecrenier - développement : tacticasbl